
Healing Therapies


I think herbal medicine exists deep within each of us, in the core of our being, a familiar presence, it has been there right alongside us for our whole lives, carrying us, nourishing us, helping us to unlock our own innate healing capacity, it is a part of us. And just as we have co-evolved with plants over aeons, the ways in which we incorporate them into daily life has also evolved over time. 

We make many types of medicines for both internal and topical use. The simplest and probably most ancient form is simply a water based extraction – as tea, a very effective option. We also have tinctures, oils, vinegars, powders, liniments, creams, pessaries. I would also include flower essences here as they are also made from plants although they have a greater focus on emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

In my practice herbal medicine is almost always a key part of clients treatment plan, they can be used for an acute treatment such as a lingering cold, or for more longstanding issues where they are given longer term to gradually restore balance and increase a persons capacity for self healing and improved health. Herbs are also wonderful to use regularly to maintain good health and prevent disease.

Herbal medicine is also known as plant medicine, phytotherapy and botanical medicine.


Hypnosis combined with therapy is Hypnotherapy.  Hypnotherapy is very empowering and gives you the strength and confidence to let go of self-limiting beliefs thus helping you to achieve your goals and create the life you want. 

Having a hypnotherapy session feels similar to a relaxation meditation and can be used for almost all situations including the well known treatments such as  giving up addictions and weight loss. It can be also used to significantly improve medical outcomes such as recovery from surgery, as well as helping with a wide range of mental/emotional things. It is often used successfully to reduce anxiety, depression, understand relationship patterns as well as releasing past trauma.


Yoga Therapy brings ancient knowledge and wisdom into a modern day setting where transformative yogic practices are introduced which foster self awareness and self knowledge bringing inner peace and greater understanding of self and others. 

Physical asana is undertaken along with mudra, mantra, meditation and therapeutic practices as indicated. Dietary considerations are based on the ancient understanding of constitutions and elements. For best results, regular visits and doing the practices at home will bring the best results and ultimately transformation.


Traditional Naturopathy aligns you with Nature through a wholesome diet, exercise, relaxation, hydrotherapy, sunshine, and fresh air! Diet plays a big part in health today because although there is a massive array of food choices available to us now it is easy to get lost in the forest and lose track of what is optimum for us. Examining your diet and inspiring whole fresh foods that suit your body and philosophy, along with supplementation if needed, is fundamental to your body being able to repair and heal and give you plenty of energy to lead a happy fulfilling life. No matter how many herbs and happy thoughts you have, if your nutrition is lacking you will never be the best you can be. 


Bowen Technique is a very gentle, safe and effective bodywork technique that is helpful for musculoskeletal issues such as sore back, hips, neck etc. but also for more functional issues such as digestive disorders. It is very non invasive and most of it can be done through clothes.



The following tests are available to new or existing patients:

Free health checks include: blood pressure, blood glucose, pulse, tongue, yogic and ayurvedic assessments, abdominal examinations etc. 

Food intolerance testing $210.00 This is a reliable scientific blood test that checks your IgG antibody response to a variety of common foods. We can do this on-site so no waiting weeks to hear back from the lab.